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First Southern Baptist Church

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Church Staff (https://www.mountainhomebaptist.com/about-us/) Pastor Gregory has announced his retirement effective June 30, 2024. I’m Garry Harper, the current Minister of Music and Adult Teacher (occasionally preach as well). I am a graduate of Evangel University, BBA 1979, MThS 2007. We teach and preach the full council of God covering both Old and New Testaments with an emphasis on discipling and edifying the church while acknowledging the times in which we live. You may contact Pastor Gregory directly at (208)602-7141 (Cell) or me at (918) 261-4267. Pastor can be reached at the church during business hours (MDT) Monday through Thursday at (208) 587-3828 (His administrative assistant is Nicole Clark).

I, Garry Harper, and my wife (Donica) recently attended the Prophecy Watchers’ Conference in Orlando, Florida and heard Brandon Holthaus speak. We are also going to be on the Great Alaskan cruise in August of this year with several of the Prophecy Watchers’ speakers (JB Hixson, Mondo Gonzalez, et al.). We are convinced that we live in the last days and we’re leading our church as a remnant church in a world that is rapidly moving toward Daniel’s 70th week. We are a firm supporter of Israel and pray during our services of the peace of Israel and against the actions of our current federal government’s department of state.

We are a very foundational Southern Baptist Church. Our pastor, James Gregory, has served on the Executive Board of the SBC and was an instrumental part of the “Conservative Resurgence” movement some 20 years ago and was also a part of the Conservative Baptist Network working against the “woke” policies recently introduced by many in the denomination. Our statement of faith includes nearly all of the same elements of Rock Harbor’s statements of faith albeit with less detail. We are neither full Calvinists nor Armenian in our views of election and the security of the believer. We believe in the full security of our salvation and we believe and teach the Biblical theology of predestination as a function of God’s foreknowledge without eliminating the free moral agency of humanity.

Pastor does not provide “prophecy updates” every Sunday as is the practice of Brandon and others we have encountered with Prophecy Watchers. However, he mentions current events within the context of his sermons and is not at all shy about his support of Israel or the apostasies of our current federal government.

We are going to be in transition as our pastor moves into retirement (and I will be following him soon). We have identified a young man from within our church who believes God has called him to become our pastor. Time will tell as we are giving him the opportunity to preach every other Sunday evening. I have met with him several times privately; I support his calling: and he has already demonstrated a thorough grasp of the full council of Goda and support of Israel. He has not been seminary-trained which, frankly, I see as an advantage in these days. We are hopeful but anxious to have the supporting endorsement of Brandon Holthaus and Rock Harbor Church. We would like to see a relationship develop between our missions.

Our church was founded in the summer of 1957.

Contact Information
1400 North 3rd East Street, Mountain Home, Idaho 83647, United States
Operating or Meeting Hours
All day
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All day
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