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First Baptist Church of Redding

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We are a bible believing church that teaches the whole counsel of God’s Word. We seek to accomplish the Great Commission which is to evangelize the lost and teach new converts to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We teach that a sinner must repent and believe the gospel of Jesus. We teach the sanctification of every believer by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. We teach a a pretribulation rapture of the church, a seven year tribulation period, the return of Jesus to this earth for a 1000 reign, the Great White Throne judgment and a New Heaven and Earth in eternity. We teach that God has NOT forsaken Israel and that God has plans for the Jews as His chosen people. We, the church, have NOT replaced the Jews, but will one day see all the remaining Jews who survive the Antichrist come to a saving faith in Jesus. We are a church that has to contend with the false teachings of Bethel church and many others in our town that have walked away from the Lord. We need prayer and we would like to be listed on your website as a church that is being faithful to our Lord’s command to reach a lost and dying world. Our church as been here in Redding since 1887, but I listed the established date below as my first day as pastor. When God sent me to this church, it was the dead church recorded in the Book of Revelation. We have been on a 10 year journey to reclaim this church and become the faithful church in the Book of Revelation. I only have about 20% of the original congregation left. Most left, after much conflict, after I made the Word of God central to everything we do. We are accountable to the Word as our authority. First Baptist Church is now a completely different church. We are a good church to learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ according to the Word of God.

Date Established
Contact Information
1970 California 299, Redding, California 96001, United States
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