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Liberty Church Edmond

Detailed Information

Liberty Church Edmond is completely aligned with eschatology and cultural concerns as Pastor Brandon Holthaus. Both Pastor Paul Blair and Pastor Dan Fisher address the decline of our culture, how to conduct a biblical life style, and to be good christians until the rapture or the last minute. Pastor Paul Blair and Pastor Dan Fisher are the leaders of “Liberty Pastors Training Camp” and conference which is a series of training camps to help pastors of churches all over the country go back to theri biblical roots and push back at the cultural destruction that we are experiencing. The Liberty Pastors website is https://libertypastors.fairviewbaptistedmond.org/ .

I had listed Liberty Church before in this locator, but other members of my congregation told me many were delisted, so I am listing it again. If you tried to contact Liberty Church but they didn’t respond, it must be because they may not know of this locator, they may be unaware that I added it, and they may have not understood what was the purpose of your contact. Please let me know what I have to do to get them to respond to you. Should I tell the staff to expect a call or emaiL? I am just a church member, the staff is not aware I listed them. I added it because it is a true Bible based, Chrsitian church and fighting back against the woke and globalist elites.

Donald McIntyre

PS: The church is now called “Liberty Church Edmond” but its name was “Fairview Baptist Church Edmond” for more than 100 years, so you may find that the URL and other branding are not still totally migrated.

Contact Information
1230 North Sooner Road, Edmond, Oklahoma 73034, United States
Operating or Meeting Hours
All day
All day
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All day
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